Health Benefits of Diet and Exercise.

Last Updated: March 26, 2016, 11:59 pm EST

By Finessa Bedoun

The many benefits of regular exercise and a balanced diet on overall health are countless.

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There is a measurable balance between regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Fitness trackers and fitness apps that can sync to phones are seemingly all the craze in the last few years. The popularity of wearable fitness trackers has increased, especially as they are fairly accurate.

Along with gyms for people to work out in, there are many public places to exercise at, including this local fitness park.

Cardio, strength training and stretching are combined in a fun, new Detroit exercise studio.

BMI is something that was once used as a tool to measure overall health, but recently was said to be quite inaccurate as a measurement of health.

Getting out for a walk is fantastic for health, but according to studies done, walking at a more rapid pace has greater health benefits than walking at a slower pace.

The benefits of going hitting the treadmill may have greater health benefits than hitting the weights or higher intensity training.

Research studies have shown that our brains perform more resourcefully in colder months.

People who are overweight show an increase in metabolic function by losing even as little as 5% of their body weight.

A doctor in Louisville, Kentucky, has used Immuno-therapy as a way to fight cancer and his results have shown great success.

Skipping breakfast does not necessarily have an effect on weight loss or gain.

Avoiding or limiting carbohydrates at dinnertime showed greater results for those who were in serious training, improving their athletic performance.

Those who quit smoking cold turkey had a significantly lower risk of starting the habit again over those who quit smoking gradually.

Getting small chunks of sleep is not equal to a few hours of continuous sleep. If anything, it only causes severe sleep deprivation.

Regular exercise during pregnancy has greater health benefits than pregnant mothers who do not exercise.

Studies have shown that older people who exercise regularly have a lower rate of mental decline than those who do not exercise.

A recent study has shown that, unlike it was previously thought, those who consume alcohol have no health benefits over those who do not consume alcohol.
A few sources of fantastic information on diet and exercise can be found here, here and here.

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